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Monday, January 3, 2011

One Word: Believe

I popped over to Under Grace Over Coffee's blog and was confronted with a heart attack.

Oh, yes.


I posted a few days ago about my real-solutions instead of resolutions for this new year...and I thought I did a pretty good job of narrowing down the whirlwind that is God in my heart and mind right now into one blog post.  So imagine my panic attack when Andrea was asking for us to pick just one WORD to describe our goals with Him for the coming 365 days!!! 


I have a dear friend who has done this for a few years now.  She spends time in prayer and deep thought... bending her own will to His for the sheer purpose of seeing His will for her life.  I have always thought it was amazing that she could do it...amazing, but not for me.  Surely, the One who made me to talk a mile a minute would never ask me to stop my chaos long enough to find just. one. word.

But as I read Andrea's words...I knew that He was prompting and whispering thru the Holy Spirit's excitement.  I could feel the tugging to calm my own heart and mind for just a moment to pin-point the word that He has for me.  In order to give me focus...steadiness...if even for a moment.  Four-word descriptions poured out of my brain...three words...sheesh, I even got myself down to two pretty quickly.  But ONE?? Just ONE???

I literally just sat staring, feeling myself a helpless cause because I couldn't just think of just. one. word.

Until there it was...

...singing softly as a leaf caught in a late summer breeze, it dropped down from Him to me:


Believe that He loves me...

Believe that He will defend,
   and lift up
this simple creature to the places where He wants me to be...
    ...despite me being who I am
                   ...because He loves me.
                                ...even tho I still can't fathom why.

And now, I sit and smile...mainly because He could get me down to just. one. word...cuz now I have nothing else to say.

What about you?

If you had to sit there and narrow it all down (and yes, you have to)...what word would you use to name your goal with Him this year??  I really would love to know...

Listening to the whisper of "believe" while looking up as always...


Wendy Paine Miller said...

I just said a prayer for your believing!

~ Wendy

Tamika: said...

I love this Bina!
One word is painfully hard...Surrender. If I can allow my will to dissipate and receive Christ's will I believe the year will be bountiful:)

BARBIE said...

I loved Andrea's post as well. I love your word. I choose to believe that God is always good. I posted my One Word for 2011 on my blog!

Diane said...

Awesome one word.... I need that one too. To believe not just in my mind, but in my heart. :O)

Kristen Torres-Toro said...

That's a beautiful word!

Ann Kroeker said...

Bina, the way you described this is beautiful and personal--I love how you've introduced us to your word using story. It unfolded for me--I almost felt I was sitting with you, listening, leaning in to hear the whisper.

As I've read others' words, I've asked the Lord if I could/should have a word--a theme encapsulated--for the year.

He hasn't given it to me yet; or I haven't heard it. I'm staying open, though! :)

Bina said...

Wendy...thank you!!! I need all the prayer that I can get :)

Tamika...one word is very difficult because to choose one means to give in to ALL that the words means. Surrender is a great word, and I prayed for you even now as you begin that journey.

Barbie...thanks for dropping by and I will be over to read about the word you picked!!

Diane...muuuwah to you, my friend!! It is a hard journey, to believe...one that goes beyond our first acceptance of belief of Truth itself!

Kristen...funny how deep and beautiful it gets, the more I turn it over and over in my mind.

Ann...aw! Thank you - it was a deeply personal moment to find that one...and I am glad that it came across as it played out here. I am praying for you as you seek to find what He has in store for you :)

Hugs to you all..

steph said...


alicia said...

I love your word... and I got my word from God too. I had to block out everyone else's words which was hard to do. I like to jump on and say "oh yeah! great word!" but they weren't mine. Then He spoke.

Cherie Hill said...

Stopped by to say I love your new blog look and your new pic! I love the one word idea! I came up with mine . . . RELENTLESS . . . Relentless in my pursuit of God in everything and for everything. Praying God brings you abundant opportunities this year to grow your faith and BELIEVE!

Anonymous said...

believe! wow... can't even imagine all that word is going to unlock in your life this year!

Bina said...

@ Steph ... *smile* a great one!! Am glad to walk with you as you find what all it holds.

@ alicia ... yours is great too and I am enjoying watching what He is already doing with it!!

@ Cherie ... Thanks for the compliments. My kiddo helped me pick it all out - ha ha. Relentless...wow. Such meaning is in that one...praying you find all that He has as you move forward in it!

@Alece ... Thanks, for both popping over but for reminding me about all I am in for!! ha ha! Great idea, sweet lady...amazing to watch Him work!

K.B. said...

Wow, this is a great post...I hate to steal yours but I think I will have to. Mine might just be a little different. I hope that I can just beleive in Him without the doubt that creeps in. Whenever I seem to really start to understand something the next phase seems to bring about doubt or uncertainty.....wait! That's my word! I will be CERTAIN in the Lord. Wow that just hit me!

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