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Thursday, March 10, 2011


Lent, Day 2

...Nature's Bounty...

my heart is full of chaos that floods me over in waves of simple desire...

...to understand
...to fix
...to somehow control the overwhelming 

 the world, it spins like a merry-go-round, drunk and out of contol...

...merciless in its heavy demand for my

but You...standing strong, as a lighthouse on the cleft of the rocks above...

...beckoning me in
...calling my eyes up
...begging me to just be still and know
    Your name

o yes...

it is here that I find a place of rest even as I battle the hunger within...

it is here that I choose to lay down the constant desire to be fed that which my mind desires, choosing instead to be nourished by time, held in the arms of the One who seeks to satisfy the cravings of my soul.

"Even stong young lions sometimes go hungry,
But those who trust in the Lord will lack no good thing
Psalm 34:10

And I?

...just the simple daughter of a King...

For more information about this celebration of Lent on the pad
and why there are no comments allowed,
click over to read the first post Lent, Day 0
Looking up as always,

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