*** FYI ***

This blog will be closing soon...please come join me over at my new home-away-from-home over at http://www.binaspad.net!!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Light-hearted Follow-up

On Monday I posted about the back and forth of a mind like mine...and today I am gonna follow up on that with a light-hearted post.  I am sure some of you just breathed a sigh of relief since I have been so "heavy" lately...and while I won't apologize cuz, well, it's my blog and that is just where I am right now (hee hee), I am glad to see me smile too :0)

These are just some pics that a good friend and one of our kiddos pointed out to me...and I hope they can provide you the smile/chuckle they gave me!!

Remember to aim high
 Don't forget to rest

Smiling...it is very important

 Stay focused on the task at hand

...simply because cleaning footprints off is horribly irritating...

...'nuff said


...this one is now
hanging in my living room...

Seen any good pics/signs lately???

Taking some time to laugh while looking up as always...


Diane said...

That yellow sign is too ridiculous for words! Funny~~~~ :O)

Karen said...

Oh Bina, LOL....so cute!

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