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Friday, April 1, 2011


Lent, Day 21

I come here to stop...
   ...to find the end of the ramblings.
   ...to lose myself in what is and not what could be.
   ...to let go of the cumbersome weight that isn't mine to support.

As I lay myself down and gaze upwards into the heavens that seems to support earth's gravity with gentle ease, I am reminded of the grace that surpasses the heaviness in my heart.  It is here that I find me... release from who I am by resting in all that You are.

I come here to breathe...
   ...in and out, freely and unrestrained.
   ...deeply, inhaling the sweet fragrance of Truth.
   ...finally willing to stop fighting what calls me to just let go.

The array of springtime color, stretched across vast skies causes me to focus in on what isn't about me.  The stillness of the world created as a representation of Your glory causes my heart to beat in time with nature's...and I close my eyes.

I come here to live...
   ...forcing my mind to give up control.
   ...reasoning my with my heart to offer up what haunts it.
   ...bending my will until it snaps, dead in the face of Life.

Truth is truth regardless of my depedence upon it.

Truth is truth regardless of my living fully in it.

Truth is truth...
   ...and I come here to saturate myself in It

Once again.

For more information about this celebration of Lent on the pad
and why there are no comments allowed,
click here to read the first post Lent, Day 0.

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