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Friday, April 22, 2011


Lent, Day 38

Today is the day in which most Christians will remember...reflect...reserve as a moment in time when everything changed.

Today is a day that we call "Good Friday"
...good because His love sacrificed. 
...good because His love demonstrated.
...good because His love knew no bounds in reaching out.
...good because His love took the risk, knowing we could still say "so what?"

Today is the day when my family will gather with our church body
...to pray.
...to worship.
...to bow our hearts together as one.
...to collectively thank Him for all that He did to make us a part of His family.

Today, although bittersweet to me as I acknowledge all that I have done that made His sacrifice necessary, is indeed...good.

For more information about this celebration of Lent on the pad
and why there are no comments allowed,
click here to read the first post Lent, Day 0.

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