Yeah...a year later and it still isn't working as it has been mentioned twice in just two days by two separate friends during routine conversations: "Yeah, and just when will you be writing your book?" I know!
The truth is, tho, I have no reply to that, other than to grin sheepishly and drop my chin to avoid eye contact. Why? Because no one can avoid my sheepish charm (hee hee) and everyone knows that it is thru eye contact that people can control your brain and force you to speak honestly. And honesty is a BIG no-no when operating under the premise of true avoidance. Therefore, a sheepish drop of the eyes is what I do....although, with my friends, it gets me nowhere as they just stare till I give up and re-focus on their lovingly inquisitive grins.
But here I sit...a year later...with no book progression...
I think I need to set up some accountability on this issue.
Aaaaand having said that...I flee.
Looking up (in avoidance) as always...
Find a Christian critique group in your area. It forces you to bring something to meetings to share and receive feedback on. :O) Wish you could come to mine.
GO FOR IT!!!! I LOVE your writing! I know you would do a wonderful job! Maybe don't think of writing a whole book because that seems very overwhelming ;) Just write one chapter (which will lead to one more chapter... and one more...)
Can't wait to read your work and rejoice with you!
~ melscoffeebreak.blogspot.com ~
You've got some wonderful adavice up their my friend! Little bits at a time... seems less overwhelming. However the most important thing is, is God calling you to write a book? If so, yes, get going and pray for His guidance. You already know you can accompish amazing things with Him at your side!
Yep. It's all about the eye contact, my friend. ;)
I'm with Alicia, don't let those of us who are craving to read a book of yours lead you down a road He does not intend. However, the inability to look us in the eye when we suggest such insanity...tells me you might have heard His call. :) love you bunches!
Bina, I agree with Diane. That has helped me alot. The hardest part, just starting....YOU CAN DO IT! Now look me in the eye when I say that. :)
The time will come for your book. I know you have a family to raise, and that's rough. I know the other comments say "start" and "go for it." But sometimes I find if I'm avoiding something, it's just because God hasn't said "It's time." You'll know when it's time.
If you're doing it because everybody else wants you to do it then the writing isn't going to be there, I don't think. Should be something fun for you as well as for God and the people reading it. ;=)
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