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This blog will be closing soon...please come join me over at my new home-away-from-home over at http://www.binaspad.net!!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Random Babblings

So many people are already dropping their kids off to school ~ that's just craziness as it feels like the summer just started!!  But I guess the fact that I just changed our family calendar to August (yes, yes...I know the date!!...), it is time to face the fact that summer is indeed moving ever closer into fall.

Our kids don't go back for another three weeks, so I am not totally back into my normal blog-posting-swing-of-things yet, but am trying to get more of a rythym going (...as it is so easy to get away from the ability to form actual sentences from my thoughts.  maybe it is just me??...).  So have decided to jump on board with 2nd Cup of Coffee's Random Dozen...cuz it is much easier to answer scripted questions after spending a day in the cool pool under the warm sun.  Leaves one a bit on the drowsy end, it does :)

So here goes...

When was the last time you laughed until you cried?

Last night, talking with an Iowa native at midnight her time.  Surprises like that leave me all kerfuddled... :)

If you found $10 today, what would you do with it?

Probably buy my two kids a game from GameStop as they have been bugging me for two days about it and I am really ready to end the repeated conversation.
"Mom, can we go to GameStop today?"
"Because I don't have money to spend on a game right now."
"But you bought a People magazine."
"....I said no."

Do you volunteer anywhere?

Not currently...but I volunatarily don't kill my son for that train whistle noise he learned to make with his hands while at camp.  Does that count for anything???  I mean seriously...it should count cuz you haven't heard it! It is loud.  I mean LOUD!  And how many times you gotta do it before you believe me when I say it does inDEED sound like a train... 

Sorry...I digressed.

What is your favorite summertime veggie or fruit, and how do you eat it?

Watermelon...it has to be perfectly ripe, extra sweet, and love to eat it right off the cutting board while it is still cold from the fridge.

Is your social sphere (circle of friends) small, medium or large?

I am blessed with a lot of friends in my life...but only a few know the real me.

When was the last time you attended a family or school reunion? How did that go?

Well, most of my hubby's family was here over the summer for a wedding, so I guess that counts...and it was a great time!!  They are wonderful people and I even made a few new friends out of it all!

I don't get to do school reunions as I attended High School in Germany...on an airbase...so we are all spread out across the world right now.  They try to get as many people together as they can, but is usually pretty far from where I live.  Thank goodness for FaceBook, tho, as I get to see them all grown up!!

When you're feeling blue, what is the best way someone can cheer you up?

Hear me. 

Don't try to patronize me...or fix anything...or help me...or analyze me.

Just hear me.

Have you taken a vacation this summer?

Yes, we went to Laughlin for Father's Day with my in-love's.  The weather wasn't too hot (only got to 108...but it's a dry heat), the water was warm and the kids had a blast ~ can't ask for too much more than that.

What is the most unnecessary item you carry with you all the time?

My kid's junk in my purse...cuz it is the everywhere-we-go-catch-all. 

Right now there are two paper airplanes from Sunday School and a sheet of stickers for my youngest's McDonald's toy.  Am thinking about decorating the plane with the stickers...but my son might not like it if his amazing manly jet is sporting flower decals.

What is the best summer flick you have seen so far?

mmmm...that would have to be Charlie St. Cloud.  That one caught me off-guard as I didn't expect it to be that good...found myself actually liking Zac Efron.

Describe a perfect summer day.

Sleeping in late, staying in PJ's till the sun goes down and reading a great book while listening to my kids laugh and my husband telling them to leave me alone... "Mommy's resting".

...and yes, it HAS happened...

Please a share a favorite photo from the summer so far!

Ok, so some set up needs to go with this pic. 

We were in Laughlin and my mom-in-love had the camera.  I wanted a picture of me with my hubby but since I am in my swimsuit, I requested her to keep the camera lifted up a bit.  My hubby agreed, asking her to get "more view, less us". 

Yeah...this is what she came up with.

Gotta love her sense of humor.

Anyway...that's it for now.  Not cuz I am out of things to say but because I really, really have to go explain that while it is a wonderful train noise...STOP IT!!!

Listening to my son's gall-durned whistle while looking up as always...


Diane said...

That picture is hilarious!!! Love it and love you!! :O)

alicia said...

Oh you crack me up! There go my achy belly muscles again (there are too muscles under all that fluff!)

And yes, kerfuddled I was. I was before the phone rang, and more so after. (still am as I have struggled to type out everyother word here correctly)

And see, Now I scroll down and the word verifier isn't working. Hah. Thank goodness for cut and paste.

Anonymous said...

Hi! Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier!

Looks like we have the same ideas as far as wasting our money and telling the kids tough when they ask for stuff..heehee.

Love your perfect summer day too! GO PJ DAY!!!!

Katie :o) said...

Too cute! The manly plane decorated with stickers :o) Ok, only a thought, but a fun one! And your photo is a hoot!

Melissa | Madabella: made beautiful said...

Beautiful site here! ;) And so cute to read all the fun facts...and really, i LOVE that photograph...it's...artistic! ;)

BARBIE said...

Hi Bina. I just hooked up on the (In)Courage site for their giveaways and you were the person before me on the link. I actually already follow your blog. I loved reading your Random Babblings today! Blessings!

Joyce said...

Ha-I love the picture. I wrote a post for my mil on her birthday in March and posted a couple of pics she took of us and they are similar to yours : )

My hubs has an extremely loud (and annoying ) whistle...he is long grown up and just used it this weekend so you may be hearing that train for a long while. I tell my hubs his whistle is the reason I don't hear well. It does come in handy every now and then if we're tyring to find someone in a crowd. You can hear it over the masses.

Enjoy your day!

Traci Michele said...

It's so nice to meet another sister in the Lord's blog! Love it!

Let's connect. I found you over at in courage. Love that place.

I'm following your blog. I blog over at Ordinary Inspirations: http://www.ordinaryinspirations.blogspot.com


Melanie said...

Good to hear from you! :) Great post and it's good to learn more about you!

hope you have a great week!

~ melscoffeebreak.blogspot.com ~

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Thank you for stopping over. I enjoyed reading your answers. Love the picture! Since my kids are grown most days I sleep late and am in my PJ's most of the day. I fell in love with Zac Efron in Hairspray, still have a hard time realizing it's him. Germany ~ wow!

Michelle DeRusha said...

that picture of you and your hub made me laugh so much -- gotta love your mom-in-law...she knows how to follow directions!

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