*** FYI ***

This blog will be closing soon...please come join me over at my new home-away-from-home over at http://www.binaspad.net!!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Wishful Thinking

I know I have been missed around here.

Oh yes.

I do.

I know it like I know that my kids will always rinse their dinner plates rather than let the leftover food turn into super-glue. 

I know it like I know that my dog will be understanding to my carpet when we have been gone for more than 6 hours and his bladder is bulging.

Oh yes.

I have been missed.

...stop laughing...

Looking up as always...


alicia said...

You HAVE been soooo missed!!! I was going to ask if you were in a chocolate induced coma from a certain fudge pie! :) Please come back, should we start a petition? Bring Bina Back!

Kristen Torres-Toro said...

Oh, but you have been! Hope you're doing okay!

Kelly said...

I miss you always!

Jennifer said...

YES. I've missed your humor. You always seem to make me laugh.

Deidra said...

Oh yes! You're missed. And I am laughing...

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