I included this photo at the end of yesterday's post on a whim...on a last minute desire to add beauty to the rawness dumped out of my heart. I found it thru a random internet search but the name of this photo didn't leave my mind all day: Weeds Are Flowers Too.
Today begins the season of Lent...and while I don't always participate, I have had a heartache to be a part of it this year.
A desire to lay something in my life aside for the simple purpose of refocusing ...reflecting ...rededicating myself to the Love that I often lay aside for "bigger" and for "better".
So I wondered: When is a weed a flower?
I spent a great deal of yesterday questioning my Lord...desiring to know what He would want of me over this period of time. He knows my heart best and therefore would know most about what it is that should be laid down for a season...but silence was my only answer.
When is a weed a flower?
Over and over again, I closed my eyes and worked to clear my mind in an effort to hear from His voice...His heart...His will for me. I offered up the blog, my internet time, TV shows, soda, food...anything I could think of that means something to me was lifted up. Over and over again, I was met with a deafening silence that held, heavy and still.
When is a weed a flower?
No conversation for my mind...
No answers for my heart...
...until tonight.
Standing in the kitchen, the day now passed over into night, I raised my heart up one last time in an effort to please my Lord....in a heartfelt desire to bring the best to His altar as a sacrifice of praise and worship.
I tilted my head back and allowed the whispered prayer to pour out, desperation lacing each breath...and it was then that the answer fell...soft...simple...:
"...give Me you..."
"I don't know what you mean, Lord?
You have me.
I am here...now...asking You what you want of me.
I am already Yours so I don't understand how I can give You me?"
"...I just want you..."
"...as in TV time?
Computer time?
Do you want my blog or my eating habits, Lord?"
"...No. Just you..."
Stumped by the simplicity, my mind wandered aimlessly in search of definition...absolutes...rules to play this by.
But as I came here to prepare this post, the words of Job (read in an earlier attempt to pull an answer from His lips) rang out loud and clear :
"I am unworthy of even replying to You.
I put my hand over my mouth.
I spoke once, but I have no answer -
twice, but I will say no more.
I know that You can do all things;
no plan of Yours can be thwarted."
For me, the question was answered.
For you, it may still remain:
When is a weed a flower?
The answer now comes softy...simply...
A weed is a flower when God points it out in His garden and calls it "Mine".
It is alive when He graces it with His mercy.
It is beauty when He nourishes it with His presence.
It is real when He grants it His purpose.
It is needed when He shows it His favor.
How can I offer Him me each day of this journey called Lent?
By keeping in mind that while I am now a budding rose in His garden,
I am so not by figuring out the absolutes or the rules to play by.
I am so by His mercy, presence, purpose and favor.
I am so because He took notice of me when still just a tall weed...
...when He saw me and called out "Mine".
...when He saw me and called out "Mine".
Amazing grace ~
how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me!
I once was lost, but now am found.
Was blind, but now...I see.
Looking up as always...
Oh yes, I am caught up in that moment.
"A bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out."
He does not want our sacrifices, all He wants is our love.
We are blossoming flower-beauties in His garden...
God made even weeds beautiful! I remember the saying we had, "God don't make no junk." Touching post, Bina.
Word for thought, thanks so much for you amazing insight! I really really missed ya! :)
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