*** FYI ***

This blog will be closing soon...please come join me over at my new home-away-from-home over at http://www.binaspad.net!!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Busy Band-Aids

I've been busy.

School started, which brought on a ton of homework, projects and running back and forth.

My job began, filling the hours in between school drop offs and picks ups with caring for the sweetness of a little boy just turned one year old.

My body fails me, ready for bed by 5pm when my family and the day still run full steam ahead.

I've been busy...and in being busy, I've become lazy.

"Oh, shoot, I meant to do that" and "Wow, where did the time go?" have become my mantras, as the words pour out of my lips like a verbal band-aid.  And, I suppose that somewhere deep inside, that I truly do hope that God will let the words fit over the wound of neglect and compromise like a cast...but inside, I know they just can't for broken relationship is a wound that festers, left unattended.

And so, I rise early this morning...to find the peace that flows purely from a relationship unhindered.

I come, wrapped in a blanket and a refreshed hope that He is still the same One that I knew when I met with Him before.

I sit with an open mind and Bible...seeking to be filled, once again, with His companionship that is the band-aid and cast my heart most desperately needs.

And, from the quiet recesses of morning yet unbroken, He pours truth over me in a warm cascade:

"Let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith,
having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience
and having our bodies washed with pure water. 
Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess,
for He who promised is faithful."

I've done myself no favors in trying to fight my own battles...and in staying so busy that I haven't even the time to think of Him let alone cling to Him...and in pretending that it didn't matter.

I've done myself no good service...and yet, this morning in the thick quiet that hovers with the sun's first break, I find Him laced with favor and grace...ready to cover me in the good that I have been lacking on my own.

What a mighty God we serve, my friends!!

What about you? 
Where has God met you since I was last visible among the fields of the blogger?
Really...I want to know.

I've missed you...but am back to looking up as always...


alicia said...

Umm.. yeah... can't relate at all. ;)

Sunday night our sermon touched on how the people worshipped with JOY. Not of duty, they did it purely because they were so eager to do so. That was a challenge to me... do I get up and begrudgingly open the Word, I do I wake up and say "Yes! Today I get to worship my Father!" ? I am a work in progress...

Love you much dear friend, God will grant you the grace to find Him again.

Deidra said...

So glad to see you again! I've missed you. And I needed this reminder.

Last night, I saw God on twitter where a community of women rallied in prayer for a mom giving birth to a little baby girl - on Peace Day, no less! She was born at 11:29ET last night. It was a beautiful thing...to see God's footprints tweeted out all over the place! (#HeightsLabor)

steph said...

Yeahhh...I am so glad you blogged and sat down with Him. I was praying for you. That in everything that was happening you would still hear Him calling to you. Saaaaabiiiiiiinnnnnne! hehe! love you, my friend.

Diane said...

Totally missed you! I know you've been busy, but hello..... we need our Bina fix!

Love you girl!!! :O)

Karen said...

Glad you're back. I understand, life can get hectic. I'm glad you had time to blog-a-bit. But more glad of special time with the Lord. I like to meet Him in the morning before everything gets going. This is AFTER kids. With kids I tried to take time after lunch.


Tamika: said...

Hi Bina! I'm glad to see you back my friend:)

It's good to know that our Father longs for us and seeks us out even when we have pulled away. That's a relationship that I can't live without!

Keep looking up:)

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