It's really not that I usually spend my time thinking how wonderful I look...because, believe you me, that is so far from the truth....but, I can say I am usually pretty even-tempered about my looks. I am neither hot nor cold...just avoidant of mass quantities of mirror time.
But I have had two of what I like to call "ugly days" in a row.
Days in which the hair is just...well...odd. which no amount of makeup seems to cover the red blemishes. which every outfit just seems to hang a little off-kilter.
Days in which I catch a glimpse of my relfection and I stop to stare ~ trying to decide just when it was a I fell apart...
...when the wrinkles set in.
...when the skin lost its youthful glow.
...when the facial hair began to clump into bushes.
I am sure I am not alone...and I am also sure that most of you will take a look at a pic of me and say "Girl you are silly" because that is what we girlfriends do! (But I can tell you that none of the pics on this blog were taken on such a day...cuz that is what we girls do!!)
So my mind's focused on my "uglies"...and then I sit here, at the end of yet another "Oh. My. Gosh." day and realize that on my two lowest days, my husband has gone out of his way to tell me how beautiful I am.
I realize that I have never once told him what I am thinking about myself over the last 48 hours...and yet he has gone out of his way to spend as much time as he can with me.
Lunches...Laughter...Hugs...Whispers... time...alone time...together time
All simple reminders of what love is...
...all incredible reminders of what marriage is.
What about you?
Where are your battles...and what are the simple reminders that come to refocus your attention?
Looking up as always...

I grew up with a sister pounding two words into my head...ugly and fat. Sometimes I swear I can still hear those words yapping away up there.
It feels so good when I release them and return to believing God's truth about me (regardless of physical being).
~ Wendy
Your husband is awesome! We all have those days and lately I've been having those same thoughts about when did "this" happen or droop or ugly-up all of a sudden. Buying some new white pants might help :O)
Ugh. Yep. I get this- often. And your hubby sounds fabulous, much like mine is, complimenting and just making me FEEL pretty. I should stop mocking his gray hair then right? Nah. ;)
I'm with Diane, lets go shopping!
I used to be incredibly concerned with my "outward" appearance...until God found me flat on my face...empty of everything...after surrendering my heart to Him...I realized that the condition of my heart was all that mattered...I found that when my heart was right with God...the big fat zit :0 on my forehead just really didn't matter! ;)
Praying for you sister...that your heart will be filled with His adoration for you...that you will know how beautiful you are to the end-that's all that matters anyway!
Big hugs,
Hey, were you writing those words for me? Been there, done that. You have a sweetie for a husband. Have a better day.
Sweet, sweet husband. So wonderful when they show us love like that.
Oh how we beat ourselves up in front of those blasted mirrors!
May the only reflection you see today be the one of Christ looking back at you, holding your precious face in His hands, and whispering Truth into your spirit. His words for you: "The King is enthralled by your beauty." (Ps. 45:11)
Yes, those ugly days do come. I have no idea what starts them. Glad you found a way through yours.
There are lots of ways over. Sometimes I just tell myself that God made me the way I am and I shouldn't criticize His work. ;)
Thanks for stopping by my blog!
Yup, the grey hair really gets me down. Just tonight my son announced he was going to pluck all my greys, and I had to yell, "No!!! I'll be bald if you do that."
But of my kids will look up at me some mornings and say, "Mommy, you look so pretty today," and I smile.
It's a balance I guess -- just can't let the scales tip too far towards the negative voices!
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